300 Mile Race Info
Race is Up - 7:30am Clear Calm
68 Degrees 85% Humidity
Race Called on Benzing Live MONTELLO300
"Wisconsin's Pigeon Race"
Documentary Film 2017
5 Things To Know About: The Pigeon Racing Sport
Young Birds Flying - Feeding - For One Loft Race
Send 2 pigeons to OLR get a FREE PIGEON!!!
NEW - 5-27-2017 WATCH
My name is Jorge lglesias.Debi, my wife of 16 years and I reside in Madison,Wi. We have 3 children and I grandson named Charles. I'm retired from the construction trades and my wife is a Resource Team Assistant for the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District.
I acquired my first pigeons when I was 10 years old. After sending birds out to several one loft races, and flying in our club races, I decided that I would like to establish a 5 Star one loft race. My goal is to give my fellow pigeon flyers a race that would hopefully satisfy them. My goal is to have every aspect of this race be done with excellence.
Your birds will be handled the way I would like my birds to be handled. No dog eat dog or survival of the fittest. They will be trained out thoroughly and will be looked at, observed and prepared for each race. They will be fed the best of feeds giving them the optimum energy to compete at a high level, along with vaccinations.
We live 5 miles from the casino. There are many nice hotels and restaurants, a great buffet and lots of entertainment. I hope you will participate in he Wisconsin One Loft race. The One Loft cannot spell success without you!
Respectfully, Jorge Iglesias
Wisconsin's One Loft Race
This is a one-loft race sponsored by MRP Racing Pigeon Club:
2017 event will include THREE RACES and AVERAGE SPEED:
1)August 12th 100 mile activation (then $1oo.o0 due each bird before next race)
2)August 26th 150 mile race
3)Sept 9th 200 mile race
4)Sept 23rd 3oo miles race
5)Average speed of the three races paid down to 5 places Races are dependent on weather and conditioning of birds and are at the discretion of the handler.All participants are invited to come celebrate at the third race. Birds usually in 2 to 4 pm The race is opened to everyone,no limit on entries, birds accepted until loft capacity of 300 birds is reached One of the objectives of this race is to make it affordable to all.
Payout is as follows:
45% paid from entries on the 300 mile race
25% paid from entries on average speed of the three races.
15% paid from entries for the 150 mile
15% paid from entries for the 200 mile race
Training reports will be provided each step of the way. We will communicate as training begins how birds are doing and where they are training from.This should give you valuable information about your birds ability. Let us know if you prefer to see emails or can get the information on from Win-Companion on web site.Please provide your email address and phone number with your birds.After the race we are happy to return all birds for shipping fees,your box plus $50.00
Perch fees made easier to pay and kept low-just $75.00 due with each bird.
Payout postitions,only the first 10 in each race will be paid out in clocking order.
Birds will be received from February 28th to June 1* only.
2017 Race Rules
1. PERCH FEE: $75.00 {Due with Birds}. Race Entry Fee: $100.00 each bird All of which will be paid out in prizes in the races this year,except 15% paid to the MRP Racing Homer Club Note: only $75.00 of the perch fees is due when bird/or birds are delivered,and is NON-REFUNDABLE. S100.00 entry fee for all birds left in the loft. lf you don't activate the bird,it will be offered to anyone that can pay the $100.00 entry fee. If your bird does not go to the first race,(150)your $100.00 entry fee will be refunded. Please make checks payable to MRP
2. Back up birds - Will be accepted until June 1st for any bird lost from the loft
3. Shipping Costs: are the sole responsibility of the participating breeder flyer.
4. Prize Money- All of the $100 entry fees will be paid out in prize money,less 15% paid to the
MRP Racing Homer Club
5.Entries accepted:February 28th to June 1st 2017 and replacements for early losses.only 2017 banded birds permitted.
6.Perch fees are non-refundable and must accompany birds
7.Birds are to be shipped in approved postal containers,and no birds will be accepted from quarantined areas.
8.Flyers are responsible for giving the following information: NAME,ADDRESS,PHONE,EMAIL ADDRESS to enable us to communicate with you. Entry forms are provided on the web site for this information but an entry form is not required to enter the race.
9.All birds entered shall be the property of the MRP One Loft Race. Until after the race when they are picked up or shipped.
10.All birds will be vaccinated on arrival
ll.Entry fees are due after the birds have been flown out to 100 miles. lnventory reports will be provided, however handler may show you the bird or birds at the loft location at his discretion by appointment. Entry fees will be refunded if your bird does not go to the first race,of 150 miles
12.All eligible birds will go to the race. lf entry fees are not paid by the first race of 150 miles and are not activated the bird will be made available to anyone who will pay the birds entry fee, and they shall be entitled to and and all prizes that bird wins.
13. 2017 year on the second race ( 200 )The first ten in trapping order will be awarded per the prize schedule.
14.This year 2017 on the third race payout:(300 mile) All birds will be paid through the trap,in trapping order and will only pay out ten spots,in the event that it is a large first drop, the first 10 birds through the trap will be paid. See the prize link for distribution of prize money. We will also include a ledger on the prize link of birds.
15.The 300 mile race will be flown. Sept. 23rd (approx)The date will depend on weather and bird conditioning and is at the sole discretion of the handler.
16.The race will last until all the capital money is gone. Not to exceed three days. After two days any birds in the loft will be paid,and remaining capital will be split evenly among the winners.
17.Disposal of birds:Any bird not picked up,or shipped by the breeder within 8 days will remain property of the MRP
18.All decisions made by the MRP race committee {3} are final. (committee picked by handler}
19.Changes: The handler reserves the right to change dates or release times based on weather conditions that may adversely effect the birds.
On the 300 mile race all entry flyers along with there friends are welcome to be at the loft for beverages and snacks! !
Telephone: 608-446-0497
Thank You On Behalf of the M.R.P.
150 miles is 15% of total money in the pot after MRP takes 15%.
200 miles is 15% also
300 miles is 45% of the total money after MRP takes 15%
Average speed of all 3 races is 25% of the total money after MRP takes 15%
300 miles races get paid down to 10th place with the following %'s. Using a 300 bird entry the payouts would be:
1st = 25% $2868.75
2nd =20% $2295.00
3rd =15% $1721.25
4th =10% $1147.50
5th thru 10th = $573.25
150 & 200 Mile Races as follows:
1st = 25% $956.25
2nd =20% $765.00
3rd =15% $573.75
4th =10% $382.50
5th thru 10th = $191.25
The average speed is paid 5 places as follows:
1st 30% $1912.50
2nd 25% $1593.25
3rd 20% $1275.00
4th 15% $956.25
5th 10% $637.50
On the final 300 mile race there will be pooling by mail. Entry must be in 7 days ahead of the race by mail. If your pool bird does not go to the final race your pooling money will be returned. The MRP club will keep 15% of the pool money.
All pools will be paid out a simple 10 to 1. Pools are as follows:
Send pooling money to Bill Lind at w3748 oak st. Montello, Wi. 53949